• Robin Toma – Hate Crimes report: what’s the data? How do we increase safety for all?
  • Elena Halpert-Schilt, Within our Lifetimes Campaign —what is implicit bias? What to do with it?
  • Julie Nelson – Government Alliance on Race and Equity – the leadership potential for government in work for racial equity
Friday, November 21
9 to noon — program
noon to 1 —  informal  networking / lunches available for purchase
L.A. County Community and Senior Services (CSS) Bldg. – Collaboration (1st floor) Room 105
3175 W. Sixth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Free Parking: Entrance to multi-story parking structure from Shatto Place, just north of 6th Street, 1 block east of Vermont
RSVP to glowenberg@css.lacounty.gov to ensure your entry into parking structure.