Conflict Resolution

/Conflict Resolution

To a greater or lesser degree all human rights commissions resolve conflicts. Larger commissions, such as the Los Angeles County HRC, have full-time staff whose activities are primarily in the area of community conflict resolution.

Typically, human rights commission staff will receive several calls a day requesting intervention in a broad range of issues. If the commission wishes to respond to conflicts it can do so by providing staff guidelines listing activities they can take on its behalf without prior consultation and activities that require consultation or participation by the commission.

There are several organizations that provide conflict resolution training on a fee for service basis, however the Federal Mediation Service will usually provide a two-day training course at no cost. One of the best conflict resolution training courses is conducted by the California Department of Corrections and it can be adapted to your needs.

Once staff has some time to gauge its work load the Commission could sponsor, or advocate, the development of a public or private community conflict resolution programs to meet specific problems that tend to drain the resources of the commission.

Declined to say if prosecutors believe the five Chinese nationals might still be

By | October 31st, 2015|Conflict Resolution|

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"Now days, On occasion, [Eli ought to] Have something. But even followed by, It’s not ever X’s and O’s. If it’s regarding football, It usually is some way to handle a media situation or business event or commitment, Archie said Thursday

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CAHRO Workshop in Riverside a Success!

By | November 9th, 2014|Conflict Resolution, Events|

The first of CAHRO’s three workshops in November was a smashing success. Over 40 people from across the region gathered in Riverside to discuss "Creating a more informed and inclusive multicultural society: working to eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination.”

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San Jose State U. Expels 3 Students for Racially Harassing Freshman

By | May 5th, 2014|Conflict Resolution, Education|

San Jose State University has expelled three white students who were charged with bullying a black freshman with racial epithets and displays, the San Jose Mercury News reported. A fourth student’s suspension was extended, and he was ordered to attend counseling. The three expelled students are barred for life from attending any California State

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Overcoming Violence & Injustice Conference: The Death of Kelly Thomas

By | April 2nd, 2013|Conflict Resolution, Intergroup Relations, Police & Community|

From left: Rusty Kennedy and Pam Keller From left: Rusty Kennedy and Pam Keller

Panelists: Former Fullerton City Councilwoman Pam Keller and Rusty Kennedy, CAHRO board member and chief executive officer of Orange County Human Relations.


Keller: Really hard story to talk about. Fullerton police get

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Overcoming Violence & Injustice Conference: Restorative Justice Panel

By | April 2nd, 2013|Conflict Resolution, Education, Intergroup Relations|

Restorative From left: Denise Curtis, Edgar Dormitorio, Alicia Virani and Danielle Nava.


— Alicia Virani, J.D.,Equal Justice Works Fellow, Restorative Justice Specialist, The California Conference for Equality and Justice

— Denise Curtis, Program Manager, Restorative Community Conferencing, Community Works West

— Edgar Dormitorio, Assistant Dean of Students & Director

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Overcoming Violence & Injustice Conference – Robert Ross Morning Keynote

By | April 2nd, 2013|Conflict Resolution, Education, Health, Intergroup Relations|

Robert-RossRobert Ross, executive director of The California Endowment, discussed what we can do to save our sons. He asked people around the country what they thought was happening to young men of color and what should be done about it.

He talked to 65 people. including young

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Nonprofit that tracks hate crimes in O.C. may see county funding cut

By | June 15th, 2012|Conflict Resolution, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

A supervisor is proposing a two-thirds reduction in the money given to the Orange County Human Relations Commission, which leaders say could devastate the group.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times:,0,5132570.story

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Differing between Conflict Resolution and Inter-group Conflict

By | August 19th, 2011|Conflict Resolution|

Conflict resolution is a broad term covering any process by which a dispute between two or more parties is resolved.  The term encompasses everything from cooperative decision-making to all-out war.  CAHRO’s interest and expertise is focused on intergroup conflict prevention and resolution in the community and in the schools.  CAHRO does not address conflicts between

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