

Next to complaints relating to law enforcement, the concern for schools and education generates the greatest demand for the attention of human relations commissions. Because school decision making is diffused between boards of education, school administrators, and faculties human rights commissions are usually not able to establish strong working relationships with the education community and special strategies need to be developed.

Outstanding resources and model programs are available that cover just about every facet of education that would be of concern to a commission. Commissions may form education committees to examine specific needs, identify resources and programs, and develop strategies.

Racially charged science project prompts review of Sacramento’s elite academic programs

By | February 12th, 2018|Education|

Sacramento City Unified Superintendent Jorge Aguilar vowed to diversify the district’s academically elite programs Saturday after a C.K. McClatchy High School student’s science fair projectquestioned whether certain races were smart enough to compete.

The science fair project prompted a swift reaction from the district after The Sacramento Bee

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White Supremacy Incidents on College Campuses up 258 Percent

By | February 5th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Police & Community|

A new study finds white-supremacist propaganda on college campuses has increased by 258 percent from the fall of 2016 to the fall of 2017.

The study, released on Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League, says 216 campuses have been affected by white supremacy. In the fall 2017 semester alone, the organization found 147 incidents of white-supremacist fliers,

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Why Schools Fail To Teach Slavery’s ‘Hard History’

By | February 5th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

“In the ways that we teach and learn about the history of American slavery,” write the authors of a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), “the nation needs an intervention.”

This new report, titled Teaching Hard History: American Slavery, is meant to be that intervention: a resource for teachers who are eager

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White Supremacists, in Person on Campus

By | February 5th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

Colleges nationwide have seen a surge in white supremacist propaganda showing up on campuses, but most of that activity has not involved in-person appearances. Rather, various groups appear to be putting up posters and distributing hateful literature in the night without identifying themselves.

But in the last week, Colorado State University and the

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Surge in Campus Propaganda From White Supremacists

By | February 1st, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

Colleges and universities are experiencing a surge in leaflets and posters from white supremacist groups, according to a report released today by the Anti-Defamation League.

The group reported that, since the beginning of 2016, various white supremacist groups have said that they have the goal of being more visible and sharing their propaganda on college campuses.

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Students With Disabilities Are Largely Ignored by Colleges’ Assault Prevention, Study Finds

By | February 1st, 2018|Disability, Education, Police & Community|

Students with disabilities are not “on the radar” of colleges’ efforts and policies to prevent sexual assault, a new federal study has found.

The study, conducted by the National Council on Disability, a federal agency, suggests that undergraduates with a disability are more likely to be sexually assaulted than are their peers without a disability, and

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‘White Supremacists Are Targeting College Campuses Like Never Before’

By | February 1st, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

White-supremacist propaganda at colleges increased by 258 percent from the fall of 2016 to the fall of 2017, affecting 216 campuses across the nation, according to a study released on Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League.

For just the fall-2017 semester, the organization found 147 incidents of white-supremacist fliers, stickers, banners, or posters on campuses — up

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Texas Lawmakers Weigh the Limits of Free Speech on Campus

By | February 1st, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Rudy Martinez was used to seeing racist fliers cropping up on the campus of Texas State University, but this one was particularly jarring. It featured a photo of him, along with his name, phone number, and his employer’s number beneath the headline “He wants you dead!”

The senior had recently been fired as an editorial writer

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Should Students Be Expelled for Posting Racist Videos?

By | January 29th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

Wake Forest University announced this week that a student is no longer enrolled there after posting a video in which she referred to her residential adviser with a racial slur. Just days before, the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa expelled a student after she posted a video on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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Higher education is headed for a supply and demand crisis

By | January 29th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

During a recent assembly at the elementary school my two daughters attend, a visitor asked how many children planned to go to college. Nearly every hand in the room shot up.

Colleges better hope those kids were being honest because, a decade from now when they are applying to school, the outlook for enrollment in higher

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