

Next to complaints relating to law enforcement, the concern for schools and education generates the greatest demand for the attention of human relations commissions. Because school decision making is diffused between boards of education, school administrators, and faculties human rights commissions are usually not able to establish strong working relationships with the education community and special strategies need to be developed.

Outstanding resources and model programs are available that cover just about every facet of education that would be of concern to a commission. Commissions may form education committees to examine specific needs, identify resources and programs, and develop strategies.

10% of New York City Public School Students Were Homeless Last Year

By | October 12th, 2017|Education, Employment & Housing|

The number of homeless students in the New York City public school system rose again last year, according to state data released on Tuesday. The increase pushed the city over a sober milestone: One in every 10 public school students was homeless at some point during the 2016-17 school year.

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Florida’s schools — once integration’s great hope — are resegregating

By | October 12th, 2017|Education|

In the years after the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, many Southern states revolted against school desegregation orders. Not Florida. There, leaders accepted them.

Florida witnessed more dramatic integration than other states, in part because desegregation was allowed — and then embraced — by LeRoy Collins, who was Florida’s governor in the late

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Inside an ‘Unprecedented’ Increase in Campus White-Supremacist Recruiting

By | October 10th, 2017|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

ate fliers are appearing on more and more college campuses, largely through the efforts of white-supremacist groups looking to make inroads there. Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, discusses what’s behind the trend, and what college administrators need to understand to confront this tactic….

Read more in The Chronicle

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A September of Racist Incidents: Assaults and race-related posters and graffiti afflict college campuses across the U.S., inflaming students as the academic year begins.

By | September 22nd, 2017|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

The attack that left a black Cornell University student bloodied last week may be the most severe racially charged incident on college campuses in the early weeks of the academic year, but it is far from the only one.

Experts say these apparently racially motivated events are nothing new in academe, though they’ve gained more visibility

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Cornell U. Announces Steps After Apparent Hate Crime

By | September 19th, 2017|Education, Hate Crimes|

Cornell University is taking steps to “be a more equitable, inclusive, and welcoming university” after a student was hospitalized in what is being investigated as a possible hate crime, Martha E. Pollack, the university’s president, said in a written statement on Sunday.

On Friday a black student was physically assaulted and called racial slurs. One

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DACA Student Says She Was Harassed by Classmate Over Immigration Status

By | September 14th, 2017|Education, Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

A student at Transylvania University, in Kentucky, has accused the university of failing to act after what she alleges was a stream of online harassment brought on by a classmate posting about her immigration status.


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Girls say high school dress code is sexist: ‘School is telling us female bodies are distracting, and it’s wrong’

By | September 13th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Some local high school students are challenging Burbank Unified’s dress code, saying it is sexist against girls, and they are planning to survey parents, teachers and students on how to amend the policy.

Eight students from Burroughs and Burbank high schools shared their personal experiences dealing with the dress code during the public-comment period of a

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A University’s Big Move on Socioeconomic Diversity

By | September 7th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

This is the time of year when every selective college or university worth its salt boasts about the academic credentials (“more National Merit Scholars than ever before!”), geographic reach (“students from 49 states and 37 countries!”), and, increasingly, the diversity of its freshman

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