

Next to complaints relating to law enforcement, the concern for schools and education generates the greatest demand for the attention of human relations commissions. Because school decision making is diffused between boards of education, school administrators, and faculties human rights commissions are usually not able to establish strong working relationships with the education community and special strategies need to be developed.

Outstanding resources and model programs are available that cover just about every facet of education that would be of concern to a commission. Commissions may form education committees to examine specific needs, identify resources and programs, and develop strategies.

He Called the School Board Racist. Now, He’s Joined It.

By | July 25th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

DECATUR, Ill. — Back when he was a member of a notorious street gang, Courtney Carson was as loyal as they come. When he heard that a confidant had flipped from the Black Stones to the rival Gangster Disciples, he rounded up some friends and confronted the defector at a high

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Senators Durbin, Graham Try to Jump-start Dream Act

By | July 21st, 2017|Education, Immigration|

WASHINGTON — Two U.S. Senators called on President Donald J. Trump and their fellow lawmakers Thursday to support their bipartisan effort to win passage of the Dream Act.

The Senators introduced the bill anew Thursday after 16 years of stymied attempts to pass the legislation that would grant legal status to those brought to the United

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A Work in Progress

By | July 20th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

WASHINGTON — In a speech to presidents, chancellors and leaders of historically black colleges and universities, a Georgia congressman told them what has already been widely acknowledged — that their institutions historically have been slow to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.

The message from Representative Henry Johnson, a Democrat, was not a critical one,

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Transgender Students Turn to Courts as Government Support Erodes

By | July 14th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

Transgender students once found an ally in the Department of Education, which under the Obama administration robustly investigated alleged violations of their civil rights and argued that federal laws against sex discrimination ensured their access to public school bathrooms and changing

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Invitation and Comment Alarm Advocates for Assault Victims

By | July 13th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations, Police & Community|

Women’s groups alarmed that Title IX summit will include “men’s rights” groups that many say minimize reality of rape; statement from key civil rights official — on which she later backtracked — casts doubt on 90 percent of campus reports of assaults….

Read more in Inside Higher Ed.

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Hate-based incidents surge in suburban school system in Maryland

By | July 12th, 2017|Education, Hate Crimes|

School incidents involving hate symbols and racial slurs appear to have more than tripled during the past school year in a suburb outside Washington and are helping drive a surge in bias-related acts investigated by police.

Since October, more than three dozen bias incidents have been reported by or linked to schools in Montgomery County, mostly

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Most Republicans Think Colleges Are Bad for the Country. Why?

By | July 11th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

A majority of Republicans and right-leaning independents think higher education has a negative effect on the country, according to a new study released by the Pew Research Center on Monday. The same study has found a consistent increase in distrust of colleges and universities since 2010, when negative perceptions among Republicans was measured at

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Researchers Look to Census Data for Keys to Improving Educational Outcomes

By | June 26th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

A report issued from the Institute for Immigration, Globalization, and Education at UCLA and the ACT Center for Equity in Learning highlights the nation’s racial and ethnic diversity and provides ways for data-collecting agencies to improve their methods.

The report, titled “The Racial Heterogeneity Project: Implications for Educational Research, Practice, and Policy,” examines racial inequity

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Civil Rights Slow Walk?

By | June 6th, 2017|Education, Intergroup Relations|

When students file a complaint that their institution mishandled or ignored claims of sexual assault or harassment, they can often expect to wait years for a resolution from the Department of Education. Those delays frustrate not only those bringing the complaints but colleges that remain under prolonged investigation as well.

Advocates say that problem would be

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75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards

By | June 5th, 2017|Education|

Across ethnicities and economic status, girls outperform boys on English in standardized tests

Three of four African-American boys in California classrooms failed to meet reading and writing standards on the most recent round of testing, according to data obtained from the state Department of Education and analyzed by CALmatters…

Read more in the Los Angeles Daily

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