

Next to complaints relating to law enforcement, the concern for schools and education generates the greatest demand for the attention of human relations commissions. Because school decision making is diffused between boards of education, school administrators, and faculties human rights commissions are usually not able to establish strong working relationships with the education community and special strategies need to be developed.

Outstanding resources and model programs are available that cover just about every facet of education that would be of concern to a commission. Commissions may form education committees to examine specific needs, identify resources and programs, and develop strategies.

‘My Merit and My Blackness Are Fused to Each Other’

By | January 14th, 2019|Education, Intergroup Relations|

When a woman told Dan-el Padilla Peralta at a classics conference this month that he had gotten his job at Princeton University only because he’s black — a claim he’s heard before — he felt rage.

He felt rage when he realized that the woman’s attack would divert attention from the paper he had just

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Virginia Study Finds Increased School Bullying In Areas That Voted For Trump

By | January 10th, 2019|Education, Intergroup Relations|

After the 2016 presidential election, teachers across the country reported they were seeing increased name-calling and bullying in their classrooms. Now, research shows that those stories — at least in one state — are confirmed by student surveys.

Francis Huang of the University of Missouri and Dewey Cornell of the University of Virginia used data

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A Surge of Anti-Semitism

By | December 5th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

The reports of the Jewish psychology professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, who walked into her office in late November to find bloodred swastikas and a slur, “Yid,” painted on her walls drew widespread attention and shock from the public.

After all, the episode came only a month after the fatal shooting at the Tree of

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‘They got me. I’m afraid.’: Swastikas spray-painted on a Jewish professor’s office at Columbia

By | November 29th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

The psychology professor pulled open the heavy oak doors of Horace Mann Hall, which boasts 16-foot ceilings and varnished wood floors, and headed to her fourth-floor office. Filing in behind her were students preparing for a 1:30 p.m. lab meeting Wednesday. As they entered her workspace, they passed a mezuza, a small box containing

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Ed Department investigates claims against women’s programs

By | November 19th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

WASHINGTON — At home in Turkey, Kursat Pekgoz considered himself a feminist. In the world of American higher education, where he is now pursuing a doctorate in English literature, the 30-year-old activist says it is men who are being treated unfairly.

Arguing that campus resource groups for women and women’s studies programs amount to

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New Front in Fight Over Affirmative Action

By | November 16th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Supporters of the lawsuit charging that Harvard University discriminates against Asian American applicants have frequently suggested that the University of California’s campuses provide a model for college admissions. In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 209, barring state institutions from considering race and ethnicity in admissions. At the most competitive campuses in the UC system, Asian

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Hate Crimes on Campuses Are Rising, New FBI Data Show

By | November 15th, 2018|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

The killing of Richard Collins III stands out among the hate crimes documented in statistics released this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Collins, a black Army lieutenant, was fatally stabbed by another college student just three days before he was set to graduate from Maryland’s Bowie State University in May 2017. His death was

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Georgetown Researchers Find Disparities in Access to Elite Public Colleges

By | November 14th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

New research released Tuesday from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) found that “misguided admissions practices” and inequality in funding are splitting the public higher education system into two separate and unequal tracks.

The report, “Our Separate & Unequal Public Colleges: How Public Colleges Reinforce White Racial Privilege and Marginalize Black and

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Colleges Can Recover From Racial Crisis by Taking a Lesson From Mizzou

By | November 13th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

What does it really take for a college to recover from a racial crisis? That’s the question a team of researchers explores in a new American Council on Education report, which spotlights the University of Missouri at Columbia and the 2015 protests that have become a lesson in leadership turmoil across higher education.

The report

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Both Sides at Harvard Trial Agree on One Thing: ‘The Wolf of Racial Bias’ Is at the Door

By | November 5th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

On the 15th day of the proceedings, a crowd poured into the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse. Eager spectators took an elevator to the fifth floor, walked down a hallway, and pushed through the creaky wooden doors of Courtroom 17. By 9:15 a.m., the last seat was taken. The long trial would soon end.

Harvard University. Students

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