

Next to complaints relating to law enforcement, the concern for schools and education generates the greatest demand for the attention of human relations commissions. Because school decision making is diffused between boards of education, school administrators, and faculties human rights commissions are usually not able to establish strong working relationships with the education community and special strategies need to be developed.

Outstanding resources and model programs are available that cover just about every facet of education that would be of concern to a commission. Commissions may form education committees to examine specific needs, identify resources and programs, and develop strategies.

What will happen to DACA? Federal court cases could lead to an answer.

By | August 20th, 2018|Education|

Nearly a year after the Trump administration tried to kill an Obama-era program shielding young undocumented immigrants from deportation, dueling lawsuits will probably determine the fate of hundreds of thousands of people who were brought to the country as children.

On Friday, U.S. District Judge John D. Bates ruled that the Trump administration does not have

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The ‘discipline gap’ for blacks in California schools remains as wide as ever

By | August 15th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Between 2011 and 2017, out-of-school suspensions in California fell 46 percent, and the rate of suspensions dropped by more than a third.

That students are suspended less frequently is welcome news for civil rights advocates who’ve long been concerned about the fact that certain groups — black students, foster youth, and students with disabilities, in particular

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Diversity Officers Grapple with Efforts to Professionalize Role

By | August 8th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Concerns about the legitimacy of the institutional chief diversity officer (CDO) have frequently prompted conversations about the need to professionalize the role. As recently as this year, organizations like the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) are making headway in elevating the role as an efficient institutional change agent.

At this year’s Standards

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What Does This Professor Know About Conspiracy Theorists That We Don’t?

By | August 7th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

Joseph Uscinski is a wanted man.

At least, he has been since last week, when the presence of a bunch of people wearing “Q” T-shirts at a Trump rally catapulted a bizarre conspiracy theory from the fringes of the internet to the center of the news. (The theory is hard to parse, but suffice it to

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Program Aims to Improve Law Enforcement and Community Relations

By | July 31st, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations, Police & Community|

With community and police relations going from a simmer to a boil in many cities around the country, a San Diego philanthropist has created a program that brings together three universities, law enforcement agencies and the public for focus groups followed by attendance at sporting events.

San Diego State University, the University of San Diego

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DeVos Will Join Turning Point USA, Conservative Campus Group, at Conference

By | July 24th, 2018|Education|

Secretary Betsy DeVos of the U.S. Education Department will appear alongside Charlie Kirk, the controversial founder of Turning Point USA, as part of the group’s High School Leadership Summit, taking place this week in Washington, the Education Department announced on Monday.

Turning Point USA is a right-wing group that has caused an upheaval among campus conservatives,

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College Retreat Examines White Identity

By | July 9th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

During the 2018-19 school year, the University of Vermont (UVM) will host a three-day weekend retreat that specifically targets White students in order to discuss topics such as privilege, inclusivity and racism.

This will be the fourth time that the Asian-American, Latino, African-American and Native American (ALANA) Student Center will host “Examining White Identity: A Retreat

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rump’s new guidelines trigger debate on affirmative action, but California already bans it

By | July 6th, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

California is likely to be little affected by the Trump administration’s latest moves against racial affirmative action in part because the state already banned such racial preferences in public education policies and state university admissions more than two decades ago, experts said Tuesday.

Richard Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation

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Experts: Affirmative Action May Feel Riskier Now for Colleges

By | July 6th, 2018|Education|

Colleges and universities committed to using race as one of many considerations in creating a diverse student body are likely to be a lot more concerned about the risks now that the White House has announced a rollback of guidelines issued by the prior administration.

That’s the prediction of some education experts as institutions continue to

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By | July 3rd, 2018|Education, Intergroup Relations|

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will encourage the nation’s school superintendents and college presidents to adopt race-blind admissions standards, abandoning an Obama administration policy that called on universities to consider race as a factor in diversifying their campuses, Trump administration officials said.

The reversal would restore the policy set during President George

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