Employment & Housing

/Employment & Housing

Generally, human relations commissions are represented on affirmative action committees or have their own committee to address county employment issues. Commissions frequently will monitor county employment policies, procedures and practices to ensure that they are not discriminatory.

As in employment legislation may preempt local governmental agencies from enforcing laws barring discrimination in housing. However, fair housing groups investigate and discover discrimination in housing by sending out “testers” to determine whether people representing those protected by law are treated differently than other applicants for housing. When discrimination is found the group may charge the offending party with discrimination.

Human relations commission often develop working relationships with local fair housing groups.

Commissions may take the lead to ensure that people who move into areas where they are not the dominant racial or ethnic group are welcomed. Programs to accomplish this vary according to the situation. The type of activity appropriate when a relatively large number of people representing an ethnic or racial group move into an area populated with people from a different ethnic or racial group may be inappropriate when a few families of one ethnic or racial group move into a relatively homogeneous community of people from another ethnic or racial group. Programs may involve the residents in isolation from the institutions of the county, or they may involve the schools, law enforcement and other public agencies.

Court overturns Santa Monica bus driver’s discrimination award

By | February 8th, 2013|Employment & Housing|

Even if discrimination plays a role in a worker’s firing, an employer is not liable for damages if the employee would have been fired anyway because of poor performance, the California Supreme Court decided Thursday.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2013/02/discrimination-workers-firing-santa-monica.html

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Documenting a Generation’s Fall

By | January 17th, 2013|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

One of the lasting effects of the Great Recession has been the economic spiral downward of the American middle class, and no group has been harder hit than the boomer generation, men and women in the prime of their working lives.

Read more in The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/14/booming/set-for-life-documents-crisis-among-baby-boomers.html?src=rechp

Councilman Richard Alarcón says son is homeless, helps launch housing project in Sunland-Tujunga

By | January 15th, 2013|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

SUNLAND-TUJUNGA – Sometimes while driving around his district, Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcón will spot his son on the street, scrounging for food around a Del Taco restaurant.

Read more in the Daily News: http://www.dailynews.com/ci_22373843/councilman-richard-alarc-243-n-helps-launch-new


Male-Female Pay Gap Persists and Starts Early, Study Finds

By | October 24th, 2012|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

Nearly 50 years after the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was enacted, women continue to earn less than men do throughout their careers, and the gap is seen as soon as one year out of college, a new study has found.

Read more in The Chronicle of Higher Education: http://chronicle.com/article/Male-Female-Pay-Gap-Persists/135270/?cid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en

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2 Women in Queens and Many Others Find a Sick Day Could Mean They’re Fired

By | October 23rd, 2012|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

There is a brutal constancy to the workweeks of these two women: 72-hour weeks piled one atop another.

In Corona, Queens, Celina Alvarez chops chayote and avocados and chickens in a dank restaurant basement. And a few blocks away, Rocio Loyola makes juice drinks.

Read more in The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/23/nyregion/for-two-women-in-queens-a-sick-day-means-youre-fired.html?ref=nyregion

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