Employment & Housing

/Employment & Housing

Generally, human relations commissions are represented on affirmative action committees or have their own committee to address county employment issues. Commissions frequently will monitor county employment policies, procedures and practices to ensure that they are not discriminatory.

As in employment legislation may preempt local governmental agencies from enforcing laws barring discrimination in housing. However, fair housing groups investigate and discover discrimination in housing by sending out “testers” to determine whether people representing those protected by law are treated differently than other applicants for housing. When discrimination is found the group may charge the offending party with discrimination.

Human relations commission often develop working relationships with local fair housing groups.

Commissions may take the lead to ensure that people who move into areas where they are not the dominant racial or ethnic group are welcomed. Programs to accomplish this vary according to the situation. The type of activity appropriate when a relatively large number of people representing an ethnic or racial group move into an area populated with people from a different ethnic or racial group may be inappropriate when a few families of one ethnic or racial group move into a relatively homogeneous community of people from another ethnic or racial group. Programs may involve the residents in isolation from the institutions of the county, or they may involve the schools, law enforcement and other public agencies.

Latino food chain’s participation in E-Verify leaves a bad taste

By | September 17th, 2012|Employment & Housing, Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

SAN JOSE — When customers enter Mi Pueblo Food Center to do their weekly shopping, the goal is to make them feel at home.

Each of the grocery chain’s 21 outlets, which are scattered throughout the Bay Area, Monterey Bay region and Central Valley, is styled to emulate a distinct Mexican region. Boisterous rancheras stream from

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Immigration Agency Accused of Bias Against Men

By | August 21st, 2012|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

A discrimination and retaliation lawsuit has embroiled the upper reaches of the federal government’s immigration enforcement agency, contributing to a sense of turmoil in a bureaucracy that has been suffering major labor conflicts between senior officials and employees.

Read more in The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/22/us/immigration-agency-accused-of-unfairness-to-men.html?_r=1&hp

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Santa Monica hotel discriminated against Jewish group, jury finds

By | August 16th, 2012|Employment & Housing, Intergroup Relations|

The Hotel Shangri-La in Santa Monica and its owner discriminated against members of a Jewish organization at a charitable event two years ago, a jury in Santa Monica determined Wednesday.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-hotel-shangri-la-20120816,0,327708.story

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Aspiring Americans: Undocumented Youth Leaders in California

By | June 20th, 2012|Education, Employment & Housing, Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

In a state crying out for strong leadership, undocumented youth have much to offer, according to Aspiring Americans: Undocumented Youth Leaders in California. California is home to 1.1 million undocumented children and young adults, who – according to this research brief – have a greater inclination towards civic leadership than their peers.

Aspiring Americans offers new

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Lost in Recession, Toll on Underemployed and Underpaid

By | June 19th, 2012|Employment & Housing|

Throughout the Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery, the most commonly discussed measure of misery has been unemployment. But many middle-class and working-class people who are fortunate enough to have work are struggling as well, which is why Sherry Woods, a 59-year-old van driver from Atlanta, found herself standing in line at a jobs fair

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Motherhood Still a Cause of Pay Inequality

By | June 13th, 2012|Employment & Housing|

Women have made huge strides in the job market since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963. Yet almost half a century after it became illegal to pay women less than men for the same job, the weekly wage of a typical woman who works full time is almost 18 percent less than

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Ruling Extends Sex-Discrimination Protection to Transgender Woman Denied Federal Job

By | April 26th, 2012|Employment & Housing, LGBTQ+|

In a decision hailed by advocates for transgender people, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that a California woman who was denied a job at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives after revealing that she was transitioning from her former life as a man can seek legal redress under sex-discrimination regulations.

Read more

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Editorial: A Rejection of Discrimination

By | March 15th, 2012|Employment & Housing, Police & Community|

From the New York Times:

When Texas lawmakers were writing one of the nation’s most restrictive voter-identification laws last spring, they rejected a proposal to allow voters to use other forms of ID beyond a narrow list. They rejected another suggestion to help voters without an ID card apply for one. And when a lawmaker offered

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CAHRO Board Member Danielle Nava Appointed to State’s Fair Employment and Housing Commission

By | March 15th, 2012|Employment & Housing, Police & Community|

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has announced the appointment of Danielle Nava, a member of CAHRO’s Board of Directors to the state’s Fair Employment and Housing Commission.

To read the announcement: http://dl5.activatedirect.com/fs/distribution:wl/ze7pzanwmhlzgt/10ev2x7pzj8lc1v/daid/10evozqw9x0my9h?_c=d|ze7pzanwmhlzgt|10evozqw9x0my9h&_ce=1331826272.34edb37b03e73a46f203c4746b592ee0

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