Hate Crimes

/Hate Crimes

Hate violence poses a serious threat to California communities. In every region of the state, incidents have occurred in which racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities have been harassed, intimidated, assaulted and even murdered. In some communities, acts motivated by bigotry have sparked widespread community disruption.

A Statement from the Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission and Office of Human Relations Regarding the Shooting in Orlando

By | June 15th, 2016|Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

(SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CA) The Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission and Office of Human Relations is releasing the following statement to join the Nation and the LGBTQ community in grieving the victims of Orlando’s mass shooting that left 49 dead and 53 injured, and condemning the unspeakable act of hate and intolerance. Harry Adams, Chair

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A Statement from the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism

By | June 14th, 2016|Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism-California State University, San Bernardino expresses its shock and revulsion at the horrible hate motivated attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. We reiterate our unwavering support of our friends and neighbors who are members and supporters of the LGBTQ community. We must come together as

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Today the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations released this statement regarding the recent shooting in Orlando, Florida.

By | June 14th, 2016|Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

“The Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations expresses our most profound sympathies and condolences to the people, their families, friends and communities, whose lives were so brutally ravaged by the recent violence in Orlando.

“The outrageous act of hate violence in Orlando occurred on “Latin Night” at Pulse, a premiere gay club. Most of the

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An Idaho town grapples with an ugly mix — high school football, racism and rape

By | May 26th, 2016|Education, Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+|

It began with racist taunts and pranks, escalated to physical harassment and ended, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Idaho, in a horrific act of rape by three white high school football players against their mentally disabled, African American teammate.


Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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Surge in anti-Muslim bullying seen in wake of San Bernardino, Paris terror attacks

By | March 7th, 2016|Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

MERIDEN, Conn. >> In response to a surge in reports of anti-Muslim bullying — students being called terrorists, having their head scarves ripped off and facing bias even from teachers — schools are expanding on efforts deployed in the past to help protect gays, racial minorities and other marginalized groups.


Read more in the Los

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CAHRO’s Brian Levin makes observations about Anaheim KKK rally

By | March 2nd, 2016|Hate Crimes, Intergroup Relations|

The Ku Klux Klan has been in the news in recent days in some dramatic ways.

A KKK rally turned violent in Anaheim over the weekend, leading to a dozen arrests. And Donald Trump has generated criticism for his mixed response to being endorsed by former KKK leader David Duke.


Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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