Hate Crimes

/Hate Crimes

Hate violence poses a serious threat to California communities. In every region of the state, incidents have occurred in which racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities have been harassed, intimidated, assaulted and even murdered. In some communities, acts motivated by bigotry have sparked widespread community disruption.

Defendant in Rutgers Spying Case Guilty of Hate Crimes

By | March 16th, 2012|Education, Hate Crimes|

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — A jury on Friday convicted a former Rutgers University student, Dharun Ravi, of hate crimes for using a webcam to spy on his roommate kissing another man in their dorm room.

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/nyregion/defendant-guilty-in-rutgers-case.html

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15 Years Since, Lessons Remain From Oklahoma City Bombing

By | September 13th, 2011|Extremism, Hate Crimes|

One of my most enduring memories of the Oklahoma City Bombing, which occurred fifteen years ago today, is not even about the bombing or the day itself, but the murderer. How incredibly average and unremarkable the bomber looked, I thought to myself as I sat yards away from Timothy McVeigh in a Federal District Court

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A Decade after 9/11… Commission Listens to Sikhs and Muslims Tell Their Stories

By | September 13th, 2011|Hate Crimes|

On the tenth anniversary of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the United States’ history the Orange County Human Relations Commission offers condolences to the families and friends of  the victims who were wounded or died in those attacks, and to the first responders who gave their lives trying to save lives in the aftermath

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2010 Orange County Hate Crime Report

By | September 13th, 2011|Hate Crimes|

This annual report on hate crime is an important indicator of inter- group relations in Orange County. There are many factors that can influence the number of these bias related crimes including turmoil in the world, uncertainty about the economy, changing demographics, community standards and fear.

The OC Human Relations Commission focuses its energy on assisting

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Hate Crime Reporting

By | August 19th, 2011|Hate Crimes|

Hate crime reporting was originally instituted to provide communities with an early warning sign of intergroup tensions.

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FREEDOM FROM FEAR: Ending California’s Hate Violence Epidemic

By | August 19th, 2011|Hate Crimes|

Final Report of the Lieutenant Governor’s Commission on the Prevention of Hate Violence

At its most fundamental level, hate violence is an aggressive expression of hatred against another person or group of people simply because of who and what they are. But an act does not have to be criminal to be an act of hate;

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Rethinking Violence Against Women As Hate Crimes

By | August 18th, 2011|Hate Crimes|

California and federal laws have made major advances in addressing the persisitant prtoblem of hate crimes in the last twenty years, enacting legislation to track hate crimes at both the federal and state level, enhancing penalties when crimes are motivated by bias, and training local and federal law enforcement to detect and prevent hate crimes. Yet, these heartening advances against hate crimes have not included gender-based crimes Neither federal nor California statutes covering statistics on hate crimes include gender as one of the bases. And ,the California law providing penalty enhancements for hate crimes also does not include gender.

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