Hate violence poses a serious threat to California communities. In every region of the state, incidents have occurred in which racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities have been harassed, intimidated, assaulted and even murdered. In some communities, acts motivated by bigotry have sparked widespread community disruption.
Anti-Semitism in U.S. surged in 2017, a new report finds
Harassment, threats and vandalism cases targeting Jews in the United States surged to near-record levels in 2017, jumping 57% over the previous year, according to a new report by a prominent civil rights organization.
The Anti-Defamation League counted 1,986 anti-Semitic
Inside Atomwaffen As It Celebrates a Member for Allegedly Killing a Gay Jewish College Student
ProPublica obtained the chat logs of Atomwaffen, a notorious white supremacist group. When Samuel Woodward was charged with killing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein last month in California, other Atomwaffen members cheered the death, concerned only that the group’s cover might have been blown.
Read more at ProPublica.
States With the Most Hate Groups
The number of active hate groups in the United States has steadily risen over the past several years, from 784 in 2014 to 954 as of 2017, according to the civil rights advocacy group Southern Poverty Law Center.
A number of factors can act as possible explanations for the rise in hate group activity in recent
This Week in White Supremacy tracks battle for racial justice
What do Ohio teens chanting slurs at black and Asian high school athletes have in common with the anti-immigrant fanaticism that intensified with the president’s lie about a border agent’s death?
And how are those incidents associated with a tiny neo-Nazi group that has been linked to at least five killings, including the death of a
After 2016 Election, Campus Hate Crimes Seemed to Jump. Here’s What the Data Tell Us.
In the charged weeks after the election of Donald J. Trump, analysts and advocacy groups noted a rise in reports of hate crimes. Colleges seemed to be seeing that rise as much as any public spaces.
Anecdotal evidence suggested that acts of campus harassment and violence were on the upswing. (The Chronicle collected much of that
What Is Atomwaffen? A Neo-Nazi Group, Linked to Multiple Murders
When a Florida man who had recently converted to Islam fatally shot two of his roommates, the name came up.
When the roommate he did not shoot was sentenced to five years for homemade explosives, the name came up.
And when an arrest
Planners of Deadly Charlottesville Rally Are Tested in Court
In the hours after last summer’s white power rally in Charlottesville, Va., erupted into violence, the planners of the protest mounted a defense: While much of the country may have found their racist chants and Nazi iconography deplorable, they claimed that they had a First Amendment right to self-expression, and
Killer who committed massacre in Isla Vista was part of alt-right, new research shows
Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old who killed six students in the college town of Isla Vista in 2014, was the first “alt-right killer” to strike in recent years, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
White Supremacy Incidents on College Campuses up 258 Percent
A new study finds white-supremacist propaganda on college campuses has increased by 258 percent from the fall of 2016 to the fall of 2017.
The study, released on Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League, says 216 campuses have been affected by white supremacy. In the fall 2017 semester alone, the organization found 147 incidents of white-supremacist fliers,