

Prosecutors’ Dilemma: Will Conviction Lead to ‘Life Sentence of Deportation’?

By | August 1st, 2017|Immigration, Police & Community|

The drunken-driving case seemed straightforward, the kind that prosecutors in Seattle convert into a quick guilty plea hundreds of times a year: a swerving car, a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit, a first-time offense that caused no injuries.

The only complication was the driver. A

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Mixed message from Trump on DACA sparks frustration from Dreamers as well as critics of illegal immigration

By | July 25th, 2017|Immigration|

Ever since Donald Trump was elected, Melody Klingenfuss has known her time in the United States could be limited.

The 23-year-old has temporary immigration relief under President Obama’s landmark Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which seemed imperiled amid Trump’s vowed crackdown on illegal immigration…

Read more in the

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Religious leaders protest L.A. pastor’s detention during a routine ICE appointment

By | July 25th, 2017|Immigration|

The arrest of a pastor during a routine appointment with an immigration officer Monday has sparked protest and sent worry through Los Angeles’ Latino religious community.

Noe Carias, who now leads an evangelical church near Echo Park, was first deported in 1993 after crossing illegally into the United States as a teenager. The Guatemala native then

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Senators Durbin, Graham Try to Jump-start Dream Act

By | July 21st, 2017|Education, Immigration|

WASHINGTON — Two U.S. Senators called on President Donald J. Trump and their fellow lawmakers Thursday to support their bipartisan effort to win passage of the Dream Act.

The Senators introduced the bill anew Thursday after 16 years of stymied attempts to pass the legislation that would grant legal status to those brought to the United

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The 2016 Hate Crime Report from California’s Office of the Attorney General

By | July 11th, 2017|Disability, Hate Crimes, Immigration, Intergroup Relations, LGBTQ+, Police & Community|

Hate Crime in California, 2016 reports statistics on hate crimes that occurred in California during 2016. These statistics include the number of hate crime events, hate crime offenses, victims of hate crimes, and suspects of hate crimes. This report also provides statistics from district and elected city attorneys on the number of hate crime cases

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A showdown between Texas and local officials centers on the state’s ‘sanctuary’ cities ban

By | June 27th, 2017|Immigration|

Hundreds of immigrant advocates gathered outside a federal courthouse here Monday as local officials from across Texas squared off for a legal showdown with the state and federal governments over the state’s new anti-“sanctuary city” law.

Mayors, council members and county judges from tiny border towns and big Texas cities were packed inside. One by one,

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A U.S. citizen says her rights were violated after she was detained by immigration authorities in San Bernardino

By | May 26th, 2017|Immigration|

Guadalupe Plascencia said she was alarmed when a San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy asked her to sign papers related to her immigration status.

The 59-year-old hairdresser from San Bernardino had spent the night of March 29 in jail because of a decade-old bench warrant related to her alleged failure to appear as a witness in a

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Trump Budget Takes Broad Aim at Undocumented Immigrants

By | May 25th, 2017|Immigration|

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s first budget offers up dramatic policy shifts and hundreds of millions of dollars to clamp down on undocumented immigrants living in the United States, denying them tax credits, jobs and haven while funding a deportation force and flights home for those being removed.


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