

Medi-Cal will soon cover children in the U.S. illegally. The real battle? Getting adults insured

By | April 27th, 2016|Immigration|

Ever since Obamacare took effect two years ago, many California legislators have been fighting to get health insurance for those it left out — the quarter of all immigrants in the country illegally who live within the state’s borders.


Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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As more Latino kids speak only English, parents worry about chatting with grandma

By | April 22nd, 2016|Immigration|

Like many first-generation Mexican immigrants, Juan Rivera grew up in a home where the family communicated exclusively in Spanish.

So when he had his own children, it was important that his home be bilingual. He plastered the family’s Paramount home with sticky notes inscribed with words in Spanish and English of each household item…


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‘What happened in World War II is happening again’: Immigrant detention centers through the eyes of a therapist

By | April 11th, 2016|Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

The metal fence was what she noticed first, miles of tall barrier topped by barbed wire strung across the south Texas pastures — just like the internment camp nearby where she had been held as an infant.

And on the other side of the fence, again, 71-year-old Satsuki Ina saw mothers and children: this time, Central

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Op-Ed: How Mexican immigrants ended ‘separate but equal’ in California

By | March 3rd, 2016|Education, Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

In the coverage of the 2016 election cycle, you’ll hear this time and again: Latinos — immigrants and their families — are playing an important role in electing the next U.S. president. They are the largest minority group in the nation, and they are poised to make a major impact on American democracy.



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After recent ICE raids, sanctuary movement grows for immigrants here illegally

By | February 8th, 2016|Immigration|

Rev. Fred Morris is familiar with violence in Latin America.

Morris, currently leading North Hills United Methodist Church, survived detention and torture at the hands of Brazil’s military dictatorship in 1974.

That’s one reason Morris said he’s ready to defy Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and offer his place of worship as a refuge for Central Americans

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At a Montana restaurant, talk about illegal immigration spills a revelation

By | January 15th, 2016|Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

Yeni Mora floated in from the kitchen with a smile and set two carafes of freshly brewed coffee on a table seating 20 of her most devoted patrons.

Her Mexican restaurant in this town of 4,000 is a place where locals like to say they compete to “try to tell the biggest lie,” and where what

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Half of immigrants in state illegally could be eligible for Medi-Cal expansion, study finds

By | November 10th, 2015|Health, Immigration|

Half of Californians in the country illegally would be eligible for the state’s healthcare program for the poor if it were expanded under a proposal by legislators, a new report finds.

Some California politicians are pushing to open up the $91-billion Medi-Cal program to people here illegally, since such immigrants are not allowed to sign up

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Red Tape Slows U.S. Help for Children Fleeing Central America

By | November 5th, 2015|Immigration|

WASHINGTON — President Obama vowed a year ago to give Central American children fleeing violence a new, legal way into the United States by allowing them to apply for refugee status while in their own countries instead of accepting help from smugglers or resorting to a dangerous trek across Mexico.

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