

Cultural, legal shifts nudging immigrants in California out of shadows

By | May 11th, 2015|Immigration|

When he was in college, nearly a decade ago, Javier Hernandez did not feel as though he belonged.

Even though he had paid to be there, he was afraid.

Because he was not a citizen.

And fearing deportation, he and his friends referred to themselves in code.

Read more in the Los Angeles Daily News.

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Clinton calls for path to citizenship, countering GOP immigration views

By | May 6th, 2015|Immigration|

Hillary Rodham Clinton staked an early claim for Latino support Tuesday by calling for a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants living in the country illegally, elevating the debate on an issue likely to play a vital role in the 2016 presidential race.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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Commission to help focus attention on issues facing undocumented Asian Americans

By | April 27th, 2015|Immigration, Intergroup Relations|

The dialogue around immigration might heavily revolve around the Latino population in California, but Karthick Ramakrishnan, associate dean of the University of California, Riverside School of Public Policy, says the Asian immigrant population should not be left out of that conversation.

Read more at 89.3 KPCC.


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Obama’s Immigration Overhaul, Halted by Judge, Comes Before Appeals Court

By | April 17th, 2015|Immigration|

NEW ORLEANS — Justice Department lawyers on Friday will urge the federal appeals court here to let President Obama immediately move forward with his overhaul of the nation’s immigration and deportation policies, despite a legal challenge by more than half of the states.

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California may shield immigrants charged with drug crimes from deportation

By | April 10th, 2015|Immigration, Police & Community|

When Jesús Cordero was arrested for Ecstasy possession, his lawyer offered what seemed like an obvious solution: Plead guilty and undergo drug counseling. Once Cordero completed the course, the charges would be dismissed.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times.


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Asian immigrants less likely to seek deportation protection, data show

By | February 23rd, 2015|Immigration|

Anthony Ng was in high school when he realized he didn’t have permission to live in the United States. The summer internship he had landed in Washington, D.C., required participants to submit Social Security numbers. Ng didn’t have one.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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Obama faces high stakes in rollout of controversial immigration program

By | February 10th, 2015|Immigration|

President Obama will soon roll out one of the most ambitious and controversial programs of his presidency, an effort to grant a reprieve from deportation to millions of adult immigrants living in the country illegally.

Read more in the Los Angeles Times.

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House Measure Defies Obama on Immigrants

By | January 15th, 2015|Immigration|

WASHINGTON — The House voted on Wednesday to gut major provisions of President Obama’s immigration policy, approving legislation that would revoke legal protections for millions of unauthorized immigrants, including children, and put them at risk of deportation.

Read more in The New York Times.


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